• Artlogic specialists, Get trusted freelance help with your database, website and graphic design.

    Artlogic specialists

    Get trusted freelance help with your database, website and graphic design. Find a specialist
  • A global network of specialists

    We've created a global network of freelancers who are specialists in our products. They know our systems inside and out and can help you get things done no matter where you are in the world. So whether you need some help managing or entering data in your database, customising your website for that extra little touch or even some graphic design for an upcoming exhibition or art fair, you'll find the right help here. 

    Please note we only list specialists who we know have successfully completed projects and work with our clients. However, specialists are not employed by Artlogic. Any work undertaken with a specialist is your responsibility. Artlogic is not responsible for any commitments or development work made by a specialists. 

    Choose which type of specialist you need from the categories below.


  • Database specialists

    Data entry & management
  • Website specialists

    Website set up & content management
  • Designers

    Visual identity, brand, and website design